Greg Splatt
Occupational Health & Safety
Greg Splatt has been involved in training for many years, specialising in health and safety, risk and emergency management and incident investigation, with qualifications in all areas.
He is an accredited safety systems auditor with experience within the Defence Force and various other government departments, including The ABC and the Bureau of Meteorology. He has completed risk assessments for the staging and production of international theatrical and stage productions as well as many significant civil constructions projects within Victoria. Most recently he has regularly audited the construction of the $1 billion dollar Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre facility in Parkville.
He is a national WHS manager with a construction company and leads a team of professionals in all states, in both commercial and insurance building.
Prior to a career in safety and training, was involved in the emergency services for 15 years and has a wide and varied background within the workplace and is able to draw on these experiences when training.
He believes that adult training is all about facilitation and that engaging with students and drawing on their experiences is the best way to advance their knowledge and that everyone learns from each other and that learning in the classroom is best achieved by discussion and debate.

Matthew Dunstan
Occupational Health & Safety
Matthew Dunstan comes from a business background and has expertise as an OHS/ WHS practitioner, trainer, technical writer and auditor.
In addition to teaching OHS/ WHS in classrooms, he has extensive experience delivering on-the-job training in areas such as process manufacturing, engineering, plastics, logistics and business.
Matthew has OHS experience across a range of industries and the ability to integrate practical OHS into other business areas such as production, environment, training, workplace procedures and quality.
Matthew has qualifications in OHS, training, professional writing, engineering (plastics) and quality assurance. He also has a Bachelor of Arts from Melbourne University and a Graduate Diploma of Entrepreneurial Studies from Swinburne.
He has had 8 books published by Macmillan Education, Blake Education and Scholastic.
Matthew believes in providing service to trainees and the organisations that they work for.
“Trainer was very well versed in course material and made it easy to understand; Was able to relate his experiences to the topic; good humour and knowledge in which it was conducted by our instructor; detailed explanation of safety issues; great teacher”