This course is delivered and assessed by Master Builders Association of Victoria (RTO no 3935). On successful completion of all requirements of this course, including assessment and attendance, students will be issued with a Statement of Attainment by Master Builders Association of Victoria (RTO no 3935). Master Builders then notifies WorkSafe Victoria which issues the standard Construction Induction Training Card (White Card).
Please be advised ID sighting via Zoom will be required prior to processing your application. Further details will be sent via email once application has been submitted.
There are also important items that all students must bring to class including their own Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and ID document supplied on application.
Refer to the Course Information Sheet for more information.
Course Overview
Construction Induction Training (White Card) is compulsory for any person employed or engaged to perform construction work in the building and construction industry. It is also recommended for anyone whose employment means they routinely enter operational construction zones. Attendees will learn about:
- The OHS legal framework and guidelines in Victoria
- How to identify and control common hazards and risks in the construction industry
- Safe work practices
- Basic principles of risk management
- Emergency procedures
- Incident response
- Communicating and reporting OHS issues
“The training provided by MBA is more than sufficient to prepare myself for the workforce. It is well structured and relevant to the industry. In addition it is current with a high focus on trainee compliance and strong outcomes.”
Jeremy Dixon, Rail Project Victoria“The content is delivered by industry experts that relate it back to your background, making the content easier to understand and learn.” (2019)
Andrew Christian Porco, Icon Construction“Our trainer was informative and interactive with great theory and detailed information including case studies. I really enjoyed it!” (2019)
Emily Poulton, Baytech Industrial“Great course delivery. Easy and interesting to follow with current and relevant workplace examples. Provides a lot of useful information in a day-long course” (2018)
Justina Ding, Metrobuild Pty Ltd.“I’m new to the construction industry and have been working in a drafting capacity. I found the White Card course an excellent overview to give an introductory understanding to the hazards and safety requirements to enter a construction site.” (2018)
Lucy Allnutt, Jacaranda Industries