Delivered by Melbourne Business School, this program is designed to provide a sound grasp of financial matters and provide you with crucial management skills to drive your businesses finances. This program follows a challenging and highly interactive format which aims add new dimension to your business knowledge and performance.
Learning Outcomes
- How to get the best out of your accountant or bookkeeper.
- How frequently you should review your businesses financial reports.
- How to deal with your bank.
- How your business’s profitability compares with other builders or contractors.
- How fast can you realistically grow.
- How much cash should you always have on hand to avoid cash flow issues.
- How much can you business safely borrow.
- Why financial statements are important.
- How to Project forward cash flows.
- Different between assessment management and profitability and how to improve each one.
- How to properly read and analyse a profit and loss account and balance sheet.
- Business wealth accumulation and preparing a business for sale.
Facilitated by Henry Botha, who’s areas of specialisation includes financial management, financial planning, feasibility studies and accounting. Henry has more than 30 years’ experience in the finance industry. He is a well-regarded presenter and program facilitator, specialising in financial management and benchmarking. As an associate of the Melbourne Business School, Henry delivers strategic finance and business acumen on many programs, across both open and customised programs. Additionally, he has delivered training programs in Bangkok for the Thai Institute of Directors.
He also lectures for the Australian Institute of Company Directors in Australia, New Zealand, Dubai, Singapore, Hong Kong and Beijing. He has extensive experience in consulting and has presented numerous financial management workshops for executives. He is well known as a facilitator who breaks down finance into straightforward steps, while presenting in a highly interesting and engaging manner.